Time:Morning 5:00 am. I woke up from the bed as if some one woken me up. Its very cool outside and the breeze is coming inside through the opened windows. I went outside and suddenly it started raining! Hmm .. looks like monsoon is starting, its fantastic experience I had in the morning watching that first rain of this year's monsoon season. I like rain!! Mannn is it girly feeling to go out into rain and enjoy rain?? I don't know, but I still remember my childhood days of drenching in rain, fishing in the ponds, turning red all over body on those "rubbish" roads of Pendurru. The water from "Dharma Cheruvu" used to overflow and reach our home. The water used to carry the small buddies - "snakes" along with it. That time the roof of my home was made from coconut tree leaves, and whenever it rains outside, there used to be follower rain inside my house too (from the holes of the roof). We used to put buckets and other vessels under the "water falls". Very Funny Days!! I still remember those days and I miss them. Did I ever carried an umbrella during rain? I never do as I don't like it. Anyways.. Need to browse for the best visiting spots of rainy season around Pune today. Let's see for the best places for trekking in the rain. Last year I missed Lonvala and Khandala but this time I should not!!
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