This is a two letter word, troubling me a big way. The YES is bigger than NO in size, somehow I never uses the later word if someone ask for some help or something from me. I never think of the consequences of saying YES and simply utter word YES. This is a very bad habit I have, and today it again troubled me. Today we have a monthly meeting and Dave (COO) is coming here and giving a presentation on the roadmap of the company. Kavitha is going to Bangalore and she supposed start at 1:30 pm from office to catch the train at 3:00 pm, and she supposed to go to home in between. She asked me to drop her at home, I simply said YES though I know its important to attend the meeting. But I did this only to get blasting (though only crackers as this is first time but not bombs) from my manager after finishing the meeting as I was late to the meeting. Both of them should not be blamed at all, its my responsibility to say her NO. Even Nilesh (manager) suggested the same to me. Everyone is good and everything is correct, but the time made the act I did a wrong thing. Gani, I pity you mann!!, learn saying NO when its required.
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